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In France, there are two forms of adoption:

  • Full adoption
    It is irrevocable. The child has the nationality and the family name of his new parents, and all connections with the biological family are broken.
  • Simple adoption
    It is revocable in very severe cases. The child bears his family name, followed by the one of his adoptive parent, or only the one of the adoptive parent. They keep the rights of inheritance of their family of origin.

The natural filiation is formalised at the town hall by a simple statement of declaration of recognition. In the case of filiation by adoption it is a judgment of the High Court that pronounces and establishes the filiation.

Adoption for French nationals

As French people, whether we adopt a foreign or a French child, it is necessary to first obtain the Approval for Adoption. This is a legal authorization to adopt. It is a document stating that you offer a home that is suitable children in search of a family. Indeed Decree 98771 of 1st September 1998 stipulates that it must be ensured that "the reception conditions offered by the applicant on family educational and psychological levels meet the needs and interests of an adopted child. "

To get the approval, we must build a case and provide a number of documents including psychological evaluation. Under Article R225-4 of the Code of Social Action and Families, a psychologist or psychiatrist must assess "the psychological context in which is formed the plan to adopt."

Psychological assessment objectives

Psychological evaluation is therefore part of a legal proceeding.

But psychological evaluation also includes an informative and reflective dimension with couples or singles making an adoption application. The aim is to help them understand adoptive parenthood, the adopted child, the child’s experiences, and the child’s past present and future issues.